Yoga is The journey of The Self, Through The Self, To the Self!

Yoga is a way to improve overall health and wellness.

Yoga with Nature
Yoga with Nature
Join Baraa now to disconnect yourself from noise and reconnect with a sense of self and vitality to improve your overall wellbeing.

Price $39.54/booking.

About us

I am a dedicated yoga instructor committed to helping people improve their lives through the practice of yoga. I have experience teaching yoga to individuals and groups at various ages and fitness levels. I believe that yoga is a way to improve overall health and wellness, and that it helps reduce stress and anxiety and increase self-awareness and connection with others. Therefore, I always strive to provide an outstanding, personalized yoga experience for each of my students. I use a balanced approach between challenge and relaxation in my teaching, and ensure I create a supportive and safe environment for all students. I use different methods of teaching and communicating with students, including conversational, directive and directive, as well as listening carefully and guiding students individually. I constantly develop my skills by attending workshops, conferences and training, and I believe that continuous learning helps me improve the yoga experience for my students. Overall, I am a passionate and dedicated yoga instructor, dedicated to providing a yoga experience that meets the needs of my students and helps them achieve their health and spiritual goals.